Easy Query Builder (EQB) has been successfully installed.
What's next?

  • First of all - run it and try to build some queries for the sample connection (NWind Access) installed with EQB.
    Add several conditions to the query panel and then build and execute the query. Take a look at SQL and Result tabs to see how your conditions were converted to the SQL statement and what data is returned after execution of this statement.
  • After that you can create a connection to your own database. Just run "Database | New connection" menu item. Then select the type of your database and build a connection string. Give your new connection an appropriate name to distinguish it from others in future. If everything is OK - you will finally see query panel where you can add your conditions as at step 1.
  • Finally, you may want to include EasyQuery.NET component library (which was used inside EQB) into your own application.
    In such case just visit its EasyQuery.NET web-page, select an appropriate edition, download trial/demo version, install it and then follow the instructions which appear after installation.

Main Features

  • Sql query builder with human language interface
  • Does all "dirty work" (table joins, column grouping,etc) behind the scene
  • Supports any kind of database
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